Consilium Partners360

Tel: 1-888-261-8944

"Finding and recognizing great talent requires real life business and leadership experience, blended with the art and science of recruiting.

Each engagement we undertake is unique because our clients' specific openings are unique..... targeted and insightful discussions grounded in experience, helps clarify and pinpoint the ideal candidates our clients want to speak with and hire"

~ John Brown Managing Principal


We partner with organizations and help find and select leaders who deliver organizational results, fit the culture and bring the necessary skills and experience required for success.

An inspired and talented leader that fits your culture, and brings their individual and organizational leadership, will drive key deliverables sooner and with a greater impact.  We create value for our clients by helping them find, recruit and build exceptional teams. 

Consilium Partners360 differentiates itself:

  • Privately Owned - we are privately owned and answer to you.
  • Experienced - When you hire us, you get us, experienced consultants own each search and speak with each candidate.  Supported by comprehensive research, we engage candidates in deep, insightful discussions that focus on your requirements.   Skilled at recognizing talent, we talk in-depth to your future leaders and key executives.
  • Pay for Performance - Performance based invoicing - Our fee schedule is based on performance milestones driven by results.
  • Results - Successful recruitment requires hands-on work, and our engagements are executed using proven work methods, supported by today's leading edge tools & technology, to deliver on our promise to you. 
  • Guarantee – Six-month full replacement guarantee.  We take a long term view with our client-partner relationships.

Consilium Partners360 provides the skills and experience, and blends the art with the science of executive search, for successful delivery of targeted talent for your unique openings.